
Sunshine Hydro invites you to participate in our journey through investment.

Sunshine Hydro A Round is now open for wholesale investors

Having raised capital through multiple rounds and having received federal grants, Sunshine Hydro opens an A Round in June 2024. The aim is to raise $80 million from wholesale investors in ordinary equity and in convertible notes to further develop Sunshine Hydro’s projects.


Community investment opportunities

As part of our commitment to include the broader community in the energy transition, Sunshine Hydro has run two crowd-source funding campaigns. We have offered this opportunity for retail investors twice.

The first round in November 2023 had to be closed in half the allocated time due to popular demand and we welcomed 179 new shareholders on board. In May 2024 we made another offer that was well received and taken up by 168 investors.


First Nations ownership

As a core principle of Sunshine Hydro’s operation and future growth we are committed to providing First Nations stakeholders equity positions in our projects.

In November 2023 we signed an option agreement with First Nations Greentime Energy Group for 20% of our flagship project Djandori Gung-i in Queensland.